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April 2024 Summit VCFO Employee Spotlight: Sunera Fazalbhoy

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 17 Apr 2024

Sunera Fazalbhoy - Full Body

As a hybrid firm, not only do we serve our clients remotely, but our team members are often distributed as well. We understand the accounting, bookkeeping, cash flow management, and tax nuances of running a distributed company. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality Virtual CFO services while being hybrid, and we couldn't do any of it without our amazing team.

Every month we spotlight one of our employees so you can get to know us better. This month we bring you Sunera Fazalbhoy. Sunera has been with Summit for nearly 2 years. She is a Virtual CFO Senior Accountant here at Summit.

Here are 10 things about our April Employee Spotlight, Sunera Fazalbhoy!

      1. Do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office? 

        I absolutely love working from home! It allows me the flexibility to manage my work-life balance better, eliminates my commute, and boosts my productivity in my own comfortable space. The freedom and efficiency it brings to my daily routine are truly invaluable.

      2. What’s your number one tip for combating distractions when working from home? 

        Create a distraction-free workspace at home and set clear boundaries to stay focused.

      3. Are you an early bird or night owl?

        Night owl. 

      4. Do you play any sports?

        No, I don't currently play any sports.

      5. What’s your caffeinated beverage of choice? Coffee? Cola? Tea?

        Chai latte. 

      6. Best book you’ve ever read?

        The Compound Effect - by Darren Hardy.

      7. What would your superpower be and why?

        My superpower is being great at teamwork and staying organized. I work well with others, making sure everyone knows what to do, and I keep things in order to get tasks done smoothly. By working together and staying organized, we achieve success easily.

      8. Do you think you could live without your smartphone (or other technology item) for 24 hours? 

        Absolutely, I can stay without my smartphone for 24 hours. It's a refreshing opportunity to disconnect and immerse myself in the world around me, engage more deeply with face-to-face interactions, and enjoy activities that I might not usually prioritize. This break from constant connectivity can help me recharge and appreciate the moments of life without digital distractions.

      9. If you could do anything in the world as your career, what would you do?

        If I could choose any career path, I would love to open an indoor play area and host the most amazing birthday parties for kids. Creating a fun and safe space where children can unleash their imagination, play freely, and celebrate special occasions would be incredibly fulfilling. Seeing the joy and excitement on their faces would make every day feel like a dream come true.

      10. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

        A valuable piece of advice often given is: "Don't stress and do your best." This guidance emphasizes the importance of maintaining a calm and positive attitude, even in challenging situations. It encourages focusing on effort and execution rather than worrying excessively about outcomes, which are not always within our control. 


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