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May 2024 Summit VCFO Employee Spotlight: Max Freeman

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 22 May 2024

Max Freeman - Full Body-1

As a hybrid firm, not only do we serve our clients remotely, but our team members are often distributed as well. We understand the accounting, bookkeeping, cash flow management, and tax nuances of running a distributed company. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality Virtual CFO services while being hybrid, and we couldn't do any of it without our amazing team.

Every month we spotlight one of our employees so you can get to know us better. This month we bring you Max Freeman. Max has been with Summit for 3 years. He is a Financial Data Analyst here at Summit.

Here are 10 things about our May Employee Spotlight, Max Freeman!

      1. Do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office? 

        I prefer to work from home, but I enjoy making a trip into the office here and there for company events or meetings.

      2. What’s your number one tip for combating distractions when working from home? 

        My tip for staying focused at home isn't all that different from how to stay focused in a traditional office. We all have to limit distractions. At home, you do have some more control over your environment. I'd say you have to make sure you have a dedicated (and quiet) space to work each day. Prioritize your work and be proud of it and I think focus will come much easier.

      3. Are you an early bird or night owl?

        I am definitely a night-owl.

      4. Do you play any sports?

        Before college, I played baseball. I usually played second base, or occasionally first base. I also did track and was a distance runner. Now, I play golf and hike with my family when the weather is nice.

      5. What’s your caffeinated beverage of choice? Coffee? Cola? Tea?

        I enjoy Dr. Pepper for caffeine. I've never had much a taste for coffee, and I only like tea when my grandmother makes it.

      6. Best book you’ve ever read?

        I am an avid reader. I usually read around 25 books each year, with a good mix of fiction and nonfiction. I don't think I could choose a favorite book, but my favorite type of book is courtroom crime thrillers (Grisham or Cornwall particularly).

      7. What would your superpower be and why?

        I would probably choose mind-reading. I am a new parent and I think being able to read my baby's mind might be pretty helpful sometimes.

      8. Do you think you could live without your smartphone (or other technology item) for 24 hours? 

        Definitely. My wife and I take one vacation a year where we do "no electronics" and explore a new place we haven't been to before. Last year, we went on a trip to Cozumel, Mexico and did our best not to touch our phones the entire time. Instead, we explored the island and enjoyed meals and other activities together uninterrupted.

      9. If you could do anything in the world as your career, what would you do?

        I would have been a pilot flying large, commercial airplanes. My vision is terrible, and so that would never have quite worked out, but I've always admired airplanes and wanted to fly one.

      10. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

        I had a college professor that told us "The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." This was in a freshman computer science course that was notoriously difficult. It has stuck with me since.


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