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August 2021 Summit CPA Employee Spotlight: Josh Jeans

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 17 Aug 2021

Joshua Jeans - Full Body


As a distributed company, not only do we serve our clients remotely, but our team members work remotely as well. We understand the accounting, bookkeeping, cash flow management, and tax nuances of running a distributed company. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality Virtual CFO services and 401(k) Audits while working remotely with (and for) our customers, and we couldn't do any of it without our amazing team.

Every month we spotlight one of our employees so you can get to know us better. This month we bring you Josh Jeans. Josh just joined Summit CPA Group. He is our People Operations Strategist.




Here are 10 things about our August employee spotlight, Josh Jeans!

  1. Are you usually early or late?
    I hate to say it, but I am usually a little late. This is typically because I am overly optimistic about how much I can get done before leaving the house!

  2. What song do you have completely memorized?
    Ring the Bells by Johnnyswim

  3. What do you love most about your work at SCPA?
    As a textbook extrovert, I love that my role interacts with everyone at Summit.

  4. What job skill would you like to master?
    I would love to master the ability to move a meeting along to the next point without being rude. That is an art.

  5. What’s the single best day on the calendar?
    I went back-and-forth on this one, but I think it is New Year’s Day. It is a slow, reflective day when you get to re-set and dream about the future.

  6. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
    Turn on the coffee pot. Everything else in my day hinges on getting that coffee flowing.

  7. What are some small things that make your day better?
    Eating lunch with my wife and getting to play with my two pups.

  8. Reading anything good right now?
    I am currently reading a book called “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” and it has been both a devastating critique and a stunning work of literature.

  9. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
    What I am passionate about is the fact that so many workplaces are terrible places to be, and they don’t have to be! That is why I love fostering a healthy work environment, helping people to enjoy what they do, and empowering folks to reach their potential.

  10. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
    A younger me would disagree, but nowadays I for sure reach for the dark chocolate.

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Certified Great Place To Work - Summit CPA Group