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April 2022 Summit CPA Employee Spotlight: John Griffith

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 05 Apr 2022

John Griffith - Fully Body-1
As a distributed company, not only do we serve our clients remotely, but our team members work remotely as well. We understand the accounting, bookkeeping, cash flow management, and tax nuances of running a distributed company. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the highest quality Virtual CFO services and 401(k) audits while working remotely with (and for) our customers, and we couldn't do any of it without our amazing team.

Every month we spotlight one of our employees so you can get to know us better. This month we bring you John Griffith. John has been with Summit CPA Group for 10 months. He is our Senior Accountant here at Summit CPA Group.


Here are 10 things about our April Employee Spotlight, John Griffith!


  1. The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are 3 people you want on your team?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for the strength, Elon Musk as the wild card, and Will Ferrell to keep things light – I feel like comedy would be important in a situation like this.

  1. What’s your favorite way to get in some exercise?

I like to run in the mornings before work to help wake me up. I also enjoy playing basketball and I occasionally play golf, especially when the weather is nice.  

  1. If you could write a book, what genre would you write it in? Mystery? Thriller? Romance? Historical fiction? Non-fiction?

Romance, only because I have no idea what a romance novel is supposed to sound like and I find it to be comical, picturing myself writing a romance book. 

  1. How many cups of coffee, tea, or beverage-of-choice do you have each morning?

As soon as I wake up, I try to drink a glass of water before any coffee which I like to limit to 1 cup.

  1. You’re going sail around the world, what’s the name of your boat?

Liquid Asset. 

  1. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Like most kids when they are young, I really wanted to be a professional baseball player. I’m not picky, I would have settled for a professional golfer or basketball player as well. 

  1. What’s your favorite tradition or holiday?

I really enjoy the Fourth of July because of the weather and grilling. I usually spend the holiday on the beach with my family and friends. Christmas is also great, I’m a big fan of giving gifts and watching people open presents. 

  1. What is your favorite breakfast food?

Anything besides eggs, probably waffles or a smoothie. 

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

Australia or Japan, because they are just so far away from the U.S. and are culturally very different. It almost feels like they are on another planet. 

  1. What do you like most about what you do (professionally)?

I enjoy the client-facing aspect of work the most. The ability to make my clients satisfied and happy each day is such a rewarding feeling. Also, my team has been amazing and extremely helpful. I really enjoy working with awesome people, it makes me excited to go to work everyday. 

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