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How to Repurpose Video Content into Blog Posts and More

Published by Rachel Fredrickson on 29 Jun 2022

Creating a content marketing strategy can quickly feel overwhelming. There are many types of content that you can produce including email, social media, blog posts, white papers, videos, and much more. As a business owner, you know that creating a valuable, educational, and impactful content plan places you directly in front of your audience if executed well. This pressure to get it right and be in front of your ideal clients is substantial.

The good news? Repurposing your content into other forms can reduce some of the pressure you feel. As the popular expression goes, don’t reinvent the wheel. For example, the content you serve to your LinkedIn audience may be just as helpful to your blog readers. Knowing how to repurpose video content is a skill that will ease the time you spend creating content.

To learn how to repurpose video content, read on.

The Impact of Video ContentBUSINESS_wordcloud (1)

Content, in general, is your chance to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Most of the time, your target audience won’t know that your business exists. In fact, many times, your ideal clients aren’t entirely sure what problem they are currently experiencing. They just know the symptoms they are feeling. Without knowing what their problem is in the first place, your ideal clients won’t be able to identify solution providers, yet. This is where content comes in.

By creating valuable, educational content, you can help your ideal clients better understand the problem they are experiencing while explaining the solutions available to them. By appearing in front of them as a resource of information, your ideal clients will learn to trust you and your judgment. They will be far more likely to turn to you for support in solving their pain points.

Video content is a great medium to provide helpful resources and tips to your ideal clients. Through video, you are able to connect with people face-to-face and showcase tangible tips that may aid your audience in alleviating their pain points. Furthermore, video has become an increasingly popular form of content being consumed on platforms such as social media, blogs, and more. In fact, according to a HubSpot article written by Wyzowl’s Adam Hayes, video consumption has doubled since 2018.

While creating consistent content can breed analysis paralysis, implementing a content plan doesn’t have to seem overwhelming. Repurposing your content will not only help you create regular content at scale, but it will also help your marketing team deliver consistent messaging across all platforms. Generally, your ideal clients will consume a variety of content created by your company before they convert as a customer. By having plenty of content available, your potential customers will more quickly decide to work with you.

How to Repurpose Video into Other Content Formats

The key to repurposing video is determining which platforms your target audience uses. Here’s an example. Let’s say your target audience is a marketing professional. A marketing professional will attend conferences and webinars on a variety of topics such as social media, website design, content marketing, and much more. Marketing professionals will also consume content on social media apps such as LinkedIn and Instagram. Marketers may also listen to podcasts about a variety of marketing topics. Common podcast apps include Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

By knowing where your target audience consumes content, you can define which platforms repurposed content should appear on. Let’s say you have a recorded webinar from a session your team produced. Using the recorded webinar, audio can be edited and turned into a podcast episode. This podcast episode can be posted on your blog to improve SEO on your website. This episode can also be broken down into sound bites that can be teased on social media (like TikTok or Instagram Reels) to generate more traffic to the podcast.

A few other ways in which content can be repurposed:

  • Podcasts and webinar recordings can be posted on YouTube
  • Topics discussed in video content can be made into graphics and captions for social media
  • Podcast topics can be used to write blog articles posted on your website or third-party blogs
  • Links to podcasts and webinars can be shared on social media

There are many options out there for repurposing content. Honestly, the options are nearly endless! It may feel a bit overwhelming to consider implementing all tactics at once. If this is the case, consider trying one repurposing method at a time. Once you master one tactic, you can always move on to another!

Types of Video Content

Now that you have some ideas for how video content can be repurposed, you may have questions about what kind of video content you could be producing. There are many types of video content. Here are just a few common types of video content:

  • Webinar
  • Q&A
  • Interview
  • Recorded Podcasts
  • Workshops

Video content, especially interviews and Q&As, can provide greater insight into customer pain points and may provide topics for future content. Some people prefer producing video content on the fly, while others prefer batching content on a specific schedule allowing for more preparation time. Both methods are great for producing valuable content. You just have to figure out your preferred style. The key is producing valuable tips or knowledge that resonates with your target audience.

We hope this blog post will help you beat content overwhelm by repurposing content. Remember, there is no need to reinvent the wheel! By distributing your content across platforms, your expertise can reach a larger audience and potentially generate more leads for your team.

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At Summit CPA our marketing efforts have been successful because we found our niche, determined our market verticals, and tried to grow within those select spaces. The idea is to be as efficient as you can with your marketing dollars by identifying areas of the market where your firm has ample room to grow. For more information, contact our office at 866-497-9761 to schedule a consultation today!