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Strategies for Managing Longer Sales Pipelines

Published by Summit Marketing Team on 08 Feb 2024

Jody and Joey welcome Simon Severino, CEO of Strategy Sprints, to discuss how agencies can create a culture of opportunity that gets every member involved. When financial times are tight, and spending is scrutinized, agencies need to ensure clients are invested starting from the first call – and for years to come. From writing a proposal, to verifying the budget and visualizing the offering, they dig deep into the psychology of client relations in Simon’s fail-safe sales process.


Episode Notes

“You don't rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” -Simon Severino


The finer details of this episode:

  • Longer sales cycles and ghosting from potential clients

  • Crafting a culture of opportunity creation within agencies 

  • Standardizing and creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) in client delivery 

Episode Resources:

Strategies for Managing Longer Sales Pipelines with Simon Severino